04 Amazing Tips Only 1% of People Use for Social Media Optimization

  • What is Social Media Optimization
  • Why it is Important
  • How to Improve Social Media
  • Profile Optimization
  • Post Optimization
  • Content Optimization

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Do you enjoy exploring all the content on social media as much as I do? If you answered yes, I am sure one question is on your mind: How did these posts reach me?

Then the answer is the posts you see in your exploration are well optimized, and they found you using social media algorithms.

Also, what happens if you’re a creator and don’t get as many likes and comments as you expect? Then your post is probably not optimized for social media. 

social media optimization

There is no doubt that social media optimization is the key to getting more reach on it. But how can social media posts be optimized? The solution to your social media engagement problems is right here. Read the full article to get 10x more likes, comments, and shares. 

So let’s begin, but before we go deep, let’s clear.

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What is Social media optimization (SMO)

An organic social media strategy called social media optimization is used to reach more people through social media.

Basically, you are polishing your post according to social media algorithms and audience expectations.

It includes various types of optimization that we will see in this blog. Using these social media optimization techniques, you can better reach your target audience and increase brand awareness.

Why SMO is important

social media optimization


One fact that I want to share with everyone is that 3.7 billion people are using social media, meaning social media has a massive audience. If you want to reach many people, social media is the way to go. Therefore now a days many businesses are using social media marketing to promote their products or services.

However, social media has a lot of competition, so optimizing your posts will make you stand out from the crowd. On the other hand, your brand awareness will increase simultaneously. 

So let’s start with 

Social media optimization: how to improve it

Here are some social media optimization tips that drive reach and engagement with your post and dramatically increase your followers. I have already used these social media optimization techniques that I shared with you and gained followers

Digital Marketing is the leading industry in the market and most popular filed is SEO. So why are you waiting just learn SEO and prepare for SEO interview Questions.

Due to this pandemic, the Digital Advertising industry has been increased by about 15% growth in the year 2020. And it is expected to reach near about Rs. 93,119 crore by end of the year 2023. 

Digital Marketing includes various types platforms like e-commerce, Social Media, Google AdWords, Search Engine Optimization, YouTube Advertisements, and all the websites used to promote or sell the services Online. Types of SEO Interview questions and answers that are asked to the candidates may vary based on experience and skill sets gained.

Let’s see few Questions which generally asked in an SEO interview Questions. We divided these SEO Q&A into three parts:

  1. Basic Level
  2. Intermediate Level
  3. Expert Level

Let’s start with         

1. Polish your Profile

You may think this is a very simple and useless task in social media optimization, but believe me, this is your followers’ first impression of you.

A well-optimized profile encourages the user to scroll and follow it.

A well-optimized profile converts a user into a customer. Follow these social media optimization techniques to stick your audience with an engaging profile.

1.1 Encouraging Bio

 The average social media platform user first looks at the bio. Your bio tells much about your profile, so write a bio that triggers users to follow you. Let’s discuss some tips about writing a bio.

  • Write something about the expertise that you hold or your services.
  • Highlight your achievements
  • Include a Link
  • Write about why users follow you.
  • Don’t ignore the power of USP(Unique selling price)
1.2 Maintain an Engaging Theme

Theme maintenance is not required but is used to engage audiences and brand your business. Maintaining a theme keeps your audience engaged. 

Sometimes your theme can even become your USP. Maintaining a theme doesn’t require rocket science. Consistency is one thing you need to have. 

  • Select a color combination and create a post with that combination
  • Select the post design and create multiple
  • Find out the sequence of your post.
  • Be consistent
1.3 Don’t Neglect Story Highlight

Story highlight is very underrated. Some social media doesn’t have a story highlight facility. Still, major social media like Facebook and Instagram has that feature, so don’t ignore it.

  • Include your achievements
  • Add some review
  • Tell your specialty
  • Add your Experience
1.4 Be Consistent with User Name

The user name is one of the underrated factors impacting your branding and social media campaigns. You must have similar usernames on different social media platforms.

Social Media Hidden Tips

2. Optimize your Post

 If profile optimization converts your audience into customers, who drive that audience? Here is where post-optimization comes into play. 

This optimization increases your reach and engagement. This optimization involves some following factors.

2.1 Create an image with the correct size

Everybody makes the mistake of creating one image and posting it to all the social media platforms in their early stages, and that’s wrong. 

Remember that each social media platform has a specific image size, so as a social media optimizer, you should post images with specific sizes and ratios to achieve better results.

2.2 Post on the right Volume

Publishing on social media is necessary, but posting in the correct amount is even more necessary. 

Don’t upset your audience by posting continuously, and rarely publish that social media considers you spam. You must have a sufficient posting volume.

  • For instagram, 1-2 Posts per day.
  • For Facebook, 1-2 posts per day.
  • For Twitter, 1-5 tweets per day.
  • For Linkedin, 1- 5 posts per day.
2.3 Post at the right time

Posting at specified times is a practice that results in increased reach and is also one of the factors that contribute to your brand’s growth. 

Every platform has a peak time of day when the most active users are present. You have a good chance of getting the most views when you publish during that peak hour. 

It isn’t easy to publish during every social media peak period, which is why the average time that every social media has a lot of traffic is as follows:

  • 7:00 PM
  • 3:15 PM
  • 8:41 AM
2.4 Write effective Captions

Attractive captions may increase engagement; captions are also incredibly important for algorithms. Some tips to follow while writing a caption

  • The caption should reflect your goal.
  • Include a call to action
  • Write captions genuinely
  • Use Storytelling techniques
  • Use hashtags
  • Use emojis frequently to express your emotion.
2.5 Don’t underestimate Alt Text

One thing that is quite common in the word “optimization” is the alt tag, whether SEO or SMO. 

The alt tag, also known as the alternative tag, is used to describe a picture so that crawlers may better understand its content. 

The alt tag is another important algorithm element. Here are some tips for creating alt text.

  • Discribe the context of the image
  • Use keywords indirectly
  • Include text that present in the image

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3. Keep Content as King

At the end of the day, content is at the core of every successful campaign. Creating content is not easy.

It takes more brainstorming than other tasks, but you can reduce your workload with these amazing tips of social media optimization.

3.1 Write Eyecatching Headline

The headline is a major part of this process. Because the title is the first word that grabs users, no one will read your content unless it has an eye-catching headline. Use this advice to improve your headline.

  • Write Multiple Headlines and select the best of them.
  • Use Power words. (Exclusive, Amazing)
  • Use Numbers or Statistics
  • Address readers in the second person
  • Keep the Relativity
3.2 Optimize your Content

Low content quality is a key problem that every creator has in their early stages, and they constantly enhance their content by optimizing it.

It is not difficult to optimize content; however, you should follow some guidelines.

  • Identify your campaign goals.
  • Include a call to action
  • Include facts and figures
  • Check grammar
  • Check Plagiarism
3.3 Write Content for the Audience

 You indeed need to follow social media platform guidelines to reach better, but that doesn’t mean social media should write your content for crawling bots. 

If you want your content to get more engagement, you should write it for your audience by following crawling bots’ guidelines. These tips guide you:

  • Analyze the problem your audience facing
  • Ensure your content solves the problems of your audience
  • Keep in mind your goals.

4. Some Bous Tips

4.1 Conduct keyword research
4.2 Keep an eye on competitors.
4.3 Review your Social media strategy regularly.
4.4 Be a Consistent user of Social Media.

Bringing It All Together

Social media  optimization is not an easy task. Achieving your goals will require much effort, planning, and strategy. 

This blog’s key points were following social media guidelines and keeping the audience in mind. 

These are the best practices that drive engagement as well as followers nothing can stop you now..! In the end, it is entirely up to you.

Pratik Khatwate

Pratik Khatwate

Co-Founder of Advert Digital Mantra & Digital Mantra Academy

©2022 Digital Mantra Academy. All Rights Reserved.

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